Migraine is a debilitating and throbbing pain in the head which is very intense and severe. In recent studies, it is common to observe that many people are suffering from migraine pain in which women ratio is more as compared to men. Migraine pain is divided into two types as migraine with pain and migraine without pain. Aura is considered a signal which occurs a while ago before headache occurs. In this kind of migraine pain, one can feel sensitivity towards light and sound, or one can observe zig-zag lines and flashy lights which are known to be a warning sign of migraine pain. Migraine pain without aura doesn't have any warning signals to define that one can notice; it just causes severe headache. To recover from this pain there has been no specific medication to cure sickness completely, but one can reduce the intensity of the pain. There are several herbal medicines for migraine which is generally used by the sufferer as they don't have side-effects to the body. Som...