Debilitating and recurring pain in the head is what migraine is all about. The migraine pain can be moderate, or it can be of a severe type. Women are noticed to be more suffering from a headache which can be triggered by many factors. It can be genetical also as migraine is a neurological disorder that hampers day to day life activities. For this reason, it is advisable to have migraine prevention medications as yet no proper medicine can remove the root cause of migraine. Migraine Pains can be only prevented, or its pain can be reduced by controlling the triggering factors. In recent studies it is being noticed there are several migraine prevention medications available in the migraine. However, it is always advisable to use them after being prescribed by any doctor as they will understand its root cause and the medicine can work accordingly. Migraine prevention medications are of numerous type which is being listed below- Anticonvulsants - They are used to reduces the...